Friday, September 29, 2017


Club recruitment has begun! Here's the news regarding our clubs this year. There are THREE:
Art club is for students who want to have a little more time with their art, and want to explore other forms of visual art in a smaller, more casual setting. These meetings will take place the FIRST and THIRD MONDAYS (excluding Teacher Planning Days or holidays)
This club is for students who want to explore the use of their digital cameras, either on their phones, using a point-and-shoot digital camera, or a DSLR (like Nikon or Canon). Students will learn about snazzy tricks and embark on photo scavenger hunts, Photo Challenges, and learn basic editing techniques, etc. Meetings times will be once a month... SECOND MONDAY OF THE MONTH :) (excluding Teacher Planning Days or holidays)

This club was requested from several of you and I caved. We will meet once a month, Every FOURTH MONDAY (excluding Teacher Planning Days or holidays)! You'll be able to chat about your favorite Anime/Manga, screen age-appropriate movies, discuss Japanese culture and maybe even create OCs and make cool crafts.

Pick up applications in the art room (Room 30) starting Wednesday :)

INKTOBER is Upon Us!

Inktober is an initiative by illustrator, Jake Parker to help fellow artists (amateurs and professionals alike) get in the habit of drawing EVERY DAY.

Started in 2009, it has become a highly popular yearly event on Instagram.

How does it work?
Simple... check out the Inktober daily prompts (scroll down) and simply do the drawings per day and in order, in your sketchbook. After you're done with the daily drawing, take a picture (make it a good one in good lighting and do the appropriate editing), hashtag it #INKTOBER when you post it to Instagram. That's it.

What supplies do we use?
Ink. In whatever form you prefer. Copic multiliner, Pentel Pens, white ink pens, Sakura pens, Micron pens, Prismacolor pens, or good 'ol ballpoint pens. Any color, doesn't matter. As long as it's not pencil or charcoal. You can even use a dip pen or brush with India ink or Sumi ink.  Scroll down on Jake Parker's page about Inktober to check out the cool stuff he uses. But don't think you have to buy anything. Like I've mentioned, I use ballpoint pen for my professional artwork and I do just fine with it ;)

What do I get in return for doing all these drawings?
1. The satisfaction of knowing YOU CAN DO IT.
2. Oh yeah, and THREE (3) extra credit grades at the end of October!

What if I don't have Instagram?
No worries, you simply do the drawings in your sketchbook, date them and label them with the matching prompt and you're good to go!

So... October starts SUNDAY... get to it!! :D Can't wait to see what you do!!

Sketchbook Assignment for ART 1-- DUE FRIDAY 10/6!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Have old baby board books? We want them!

Do you have any of these lying around and taking up space???

These are called Board Books... they're usually for babies, made of hard cardboard and only a few pages (usually 6-7 pages). Many times we grow out of these and have them lying around unused. If you have any of these, please consider DONATING to the art classroom. They can be reused/recycled/upcycled/altered as an interesting interactive art piece like these...

Friday, September 22, 2017

Sketchbook Assignment for Art 2/3! DUE FRIDAY 10/6/17

You have TWO WEEKS for this one, folks! Make it count!

ONE 2-page spread in your sketchbook depicting SCREENS drawn from life. From life =No photo references! Draw what you see not what you think you see.

Think of kinds of SCREENS- laptop screens, t.v. screens, tablet screens, phone screens, door screens, Japanese folding screens. Consider ways of seeing SCREENS- Screens from side angles, cracked screens, screens reflecting a view of the room, screens in reflections of someone's glasses, screens seen through neighbor's windows. 
Think of ways other things/objects can be used as a "screen". The effects of screens on people, what some screens do as a function: protect, addiction, project, etc. 
Pile of elecetronics

Classic still life

Screen door

Friends fixated on screens

By Wayne Thiebaud

Screen door drawn on scrap cardboard

Image result for artwork about technology

Sketchbook Assignment for ART 1... DUE FRIDAY 9/29/17!

Friday, September 1, 2017